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Writer's pictureMendel Max Bluvband

Can a Personal Fitness Trainer Prepare me for the Navy SEALs?

a man running in the beach in the navy seals training. with a lot of motivation looking good -

Personal fitness trainers catering to clients with ambitions of joining the elite Navy SEALs must develop a specialized and comprehensive training program. This program should address the unique physical and mental demands of the Navy SEALs Physical Screening Test (PST) and the rigorous selection process. The following guidelines detail the components of a well-rounded training strategy for success.

Physical Training

1. Cardiovascular Endurance

- Running is essential for building the stamina required for the Navy SEALs. A progressive running program should start with shorter distances at a moderate pace and should build up to longer runs (4-5 miles) at a faster pace. Candidates should aim for a minimum of 30-35 miles per week.

- Swimming prep should prioritize efficiency and endurance. An optimal regime would involve swimming at least 5-6 times per week, with distances eventually totaling 1-2 miles per session. Practice should include techniques like the combat sidestroke or breaststroke, which are used in the PST.

2. Strength Training

- Push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and bodyweight squats are critical as they are part of the PST. A mix of max-rep and endurance sets should be incorporated to build strength and endurance.

- Weight training should focus on compound lifts such as deadlifts, squats, overhead presses, and power cleans, performed 2-3 times weekly to build overall strength and functional muscle.

3. Muscular Endurance

- Circuit training, including burpees, box jumps, and plyometrics, should be included to increase lactic acid threshold and resilience during extended missions.

Mental Training

1. Stress Conditioning:

- Candidates should be introduced to breath control exercises, like box breathing, to manage stress in challenging environments.

- Regular practice should include visualization and mental rehearsals of the PST and other challenging scenarios that a SEAL may experience.

2. Resiliency Building:

- Developing a "never quit" mindset is crucial. This may include conducting physically demanding drills that challenge the individual to push beyond their limits in a controlled environment.

Preparation Time

1. Duration:

- A minimum of 9-12 months of dedicated training is typically required to prepare a candidate from baseline to test-ready condition.

- This period should be used to incrementally build fitness levels incrementally, starting slowly to reduce the risk of injuries and gradually increasing intensity.

Training Accessories

1. Essential Gear:

- Access to a stopwatch for timing runs and swims, pull-up bars, and a range of free weights for strength training is vital.

- Proper running shoes and swimwear should be provided, including goggles and fins that meet Navy SEALs training specifications.

Training Venues

1. Environment:

- A combination of open water and pool for swimming, outdoor routes for running, and a well-equipped gym for strength and endurance workouts is ideal.

- Access to obstacle courses or climbing facilities can also be beneficial for developing agility and upper body strength.


1. Financial Investment:

- Expenses will vary greatly depending on the availability of local resources. Costs can include gym memberships, pool access fees, personal training sessions, nutrition consultations, and specialized equipment.

- Budgeting should factor in regular equipment replacement, like running shoes, and any travel costs to optimal training locations.

Example for Personal Fitness Trainers

1. Navy SEALs PST:

- The PST consists of swimming 500 yards, doing push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups, and a 1.5-mile timed run, all with specific rest times. Training should replicate these conditions.

Training Example:

- Monday: AM - Long distance swim practice, PM - Strength training (upper body)

- Tuesday: AM - Interval running, PM - Core strengthening

- Wednesday: AM - Long run, PM - Yoga or active recovery

- Thursday: AM - Pool drills and swim technique, PM - Strength training (lower body)

- Friday: Active recovery or rest day

- Saturday: AM - Mock PST under test conditions, PM - Review and refinement

- Sunday: Rest and mental training exercises

Most Known Mental Challenges in Navy Seals

The training to become a Navy SEAL is designed to be among the most mentally challenging experiences a person can endure, ensuring that only the most resilient and committed candidates make it through. The most known mental challenges for Navy SEALs candidates include:

1. Hell Week: This is a notorious part of the SEALs training program, where candidates must endure five and a half days of continuous training with minimal sleep (usually totaling around four hours for the entire week). The activities are intensely physical and designed to push candidates to their mental and physical limits.

2. Drown-proofing: Candidates must learn to stay afloat and proceed through various tasks in the water while their hands and feet are bound. This exercise tests panic control, breathing regulation, and mental composure under duress.

3. Sleep Deprivation: Throughout training, especially during Hell Week, sleep deprivation is used to test the candidates' ability to maintain cognitive functions and physical performance even when exhausted.

4. Cold Water Conditioning: Frequent and prolonged exposure to cold water is part of training. This tests mental grit as candidates must learn to manage and mitigate the body's natural responses to hypothermia.

5. Mental Toughness: SEALs training challenges a candidate’s mental toughness by requiring them to perform complex tasks under stressful conditions, often when exhausted or under extreme pressure.

6. Fear Management: Tasks such as high-altitude parachuting and underwater demolition require candidates to manage and overcome natural fears and anxieties.

7. Isolation and Boarding: Candidates may undergo exercises that simulate being isolated or captured, requiring them to maintain their composure and mental acuity in situations akin to solitary confinement.

8. Leadership and Decision Making: Throughout SEALs training, leadership and sound decision-making abilities are assessed. Candidates often face tasks that require quick thinking and decisive action under stressful conditions, sometimes with incomplete information.

9. Continuous Pressure and Critique: The training environment is designed to be highly critical and pressurized; instructors constantly critique candidates, testing their ability to maintain self-control, confidence, and discipline.

10. Long Duration of Training: The extended period of training, which includes Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training (BUD/S) and additional qualification training, is taxing, as it requires sustained mental focus and a long-term commitment to rigorous standards.

For a candidate to become a Navy SEAL, they need not only physical prowess but, perhaps more critically, the mental toughness to endure these extreme challenges, which are as much a test of emotional resilience and psychological stability as they are of physical capability.

Personal Fitness Trainer Program Duration

The duration of the training program for a Navy SEAL candidate should ideally range from 9 to 12 months. This prolonged period allows for a gradual increase in physical and mental preparedness, reducing the risk of injury and establishing a robust foundation for the intense demands of the SEALs training regimen.

During this time, the candidate should focus on progressively increasing their endurance, strength, and agility, while also dedicating time each week to mental conditioning and recovery. The gradual progression ensures that by the time the candidate faces the Physical Screening Test (PST), they are at peak physical condition, possess the mental resilience required to endure stress and discomfort, and have practiced the specific skills necessary to excel at the tasks included in the examination.

Each phase of the training period should build upon the last, beginning with establishing a base level of fitness and then moving into more specialized and intense exercises as endurance and strength gains are solidified. Consistency and incremental progress are key components of an effective training timeline for a Navy SEAL candidate.

Aspiring Navy SEALs face a challenging journey that demands preparation beyond the typical fitness routine. A specialized training plan crafted by a personal fitness trainer should be rigorous, structured, and adaptable to the evolving needs of the candidate. With a comprehensive approach encompassing physical prowess, mental toughness, and unwavering commitment, a prospective Navy SEAL can set the foundation for success in one of the military's most demanding tests.

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